Public Notices Violation | Monitoring Requirements Not Met for Timberon W&SD
Our water system violated drinking water requirements over the past year. Even though these were not emergencies, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we are doing (dld) to correct these situations.
*We ore required to monitor your drinking woter for specific contaminants on o regulor basis. Results of regulor monitoring ore on indicotor of whether or not our drinking woter meets heolth stondards. During the 4th quorter of 20L9 we did not monitor or test for disinfection byproducts {Totat Triholomethones ond Haloacetic Acids) ond during the 1't quarter of 2020 monitoring samples for disinfection byproducts (TotolTriholomethones and Holoocetic Acids) were collected in the wrong month and therefore we connot be sure of the quolity of your drinking woter during that time. *